Hendersonville, Tennessee; Bonham and Sulphur Springs, Texas
It sure was fun finally getting to go to Pastor Aaron Allison's church, The Church at Indian Lake, in Hendersonville on Friday, the 13th. Of all the Cornerstone offspring churches, this is the first to have us come in and sing and we were very appreciative. We didn't sing to a large crowd, but to be honest, we're used to that.
Gospel concerts aren't popular like they used to be. Bobby talks about how, back in the 1980's, the MidSouth Boys used to be busy every weekend just in the Texas-Arkansas-Louisiana region alone, and the concerts were very well attended. He said that even the Gaither Homecoming concerts are held in smaller venues than they used to be. Perhaps I'm just trying to make myself feel better about our small crowds but I do think that it's simply not as easy as it used to be to get people interested in coming to church for a concert anymore. One thing that Bobby and I feel strongly about is that we don't want to have a feel-good concert only. There's nothing at all wrong with a feel-good concert but we want to lead a church service that brings people around full circle to a moment with Jesus and the main way we do this is through prayer before a concert. If we just make ourselves available, He can do anything through these earthen vessels.
Our long-time friend, Mrs. Terri Weeks was able to attend the concert Friday night and that alone made the evening very special. Mrs. Terri suffered a stroke about 5 years ago and has not been able to walk or talk since then. However, that doesn't keep her from singing. Sitting next to me, I could hear her singing along with Bobby during “In The Garden” and “I Can Only Imagine,” in a language that only God understood. And I know He took pleasure in listening to her heart.
We got up early Sunday morning and left Bobby's parents' home in Texarkana to drive the 2 hours to Bonham, Texas. We were at Living Word Church of God last June for a Wednesday evening service and Pastor Brian Rayburn was kind enough to have us come back. However, it wasn't the normal 75-minute concert. Bobby sang about four songs before Pastor Rayburn preached about “Crazy Love.” He, his wife, Krista, their 2 teens and another couple, (a doctor who reminded me of Sam English, and his wife of sixteen months...they were so much fun but I can't remember his name...and he bought our lunch!) went to a little Mexican cafe` after church.
From downtown Bonham we drove cross country to Sulphur Springs to Calvary Baptist Church where Bobby's half-cousin, (they all call themselves "half-crazy") Gail attends. Bobby's dad, Bob had a half brother, Dawson Bowen who had four children; 3 girls and a boy just like Bob did. When Bobby's Sunday night booking in Reno, Texas canceled, Gail called Bobby and asked if we wanted to come sing at her church Sunday night, the 15th. She got permission from her pastor and the door was opened just like that! Jehovah Jireh. God, our Provider, takes care of His children. We should never worry. When we worry it's an insult to God. There's no one that can provide for us better than He can and to worry is suggesting He can't do it.
The really neat thing is 2 more of Dawson's children came some long distances to join us last night. Mike Bowen and his wife, Rose came from the Jacksonville, Texas area and cousin, Pat Walters and her husband Bruce drove over from Grapevine. So after church we enjoyed a small reunion in the fellowship hall as we fellowshipped over food. Gail and David's son, Clint, his wife and their 3 children joined us as well.
We drove the one hundred miles back to Texarkana Sunday night, got to bed rather late and were up earlier than we wanted to be in order to get on the road toward home. Bob and Tena had a funeral to attend at 10:00 this morning so we wanted to get out of the house before that.
It was with great reservation we left our only begotten son, Landis in Texarkana with his Papaw and Mamaw for the week. There were many speeches and threats made before we left him behind. His schoolwork and practicing his guitar will keep him busy to some degree and Mamaw will encourage him to watch TV to pass the rest of the time. I told Bobby this morning before we left their house that I'm really gonna miss the little squirt. Bobby agreed and mentioned how much he helps us. But I came back with, “yes, he helps a lot but I'm talking about his energetic personality and the excitement he brings to our family...I'm really gonna miss him this week.”
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