Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas CD

October 12, 2010

The recording of our Christmas project totally slipped my mind and I should have written about it a couple of “posts” ago.

After the first weekend in Conneaut (the first weekend in October), Bobby got the notion to make a Christmas CD featuring the entire family. When Bobby gets in his mind to do something like this, he doesn't hee haw around. He called our friend, Rick Sandidge at Mark Five in Hendersonville and scheduled our studio time for Tuesday, the 12th of October. With little time to prepare, we spent the weekend to and from Ohio (October 9 and 10) going over and over our Christmas songs, practicing with the kids to learn songs that they perhaps had heard before but didn't know the words to.

Faith sat on my lap for the Kids' project last spring so we figured we'd just keep with tradition.

Landis LOVES the studio environment

I can never tell if Rick is working hard or hardly working.

Relaxing after a job well done!

Once again, the kids impressed Bobby and I as they stepped up to the mic and crooned away. And of course, I had cookies waiting as rewards after each song...and available just in case we needed to bribe anyone. Bribing wasn't necessary and the kids and I completed our parts in less than 3 hours! Bobby stayed to sing his solos and went back the following day to mix.


Lori Zehr said...

So that's what it's like to be famous!

Becky Jo said...

Ha ha ha, Lori! Of course you know you don't have to be famous or even talented to record.